Why Nepali Students Should Start Blogging | Blogging can solve internet addiction [Updated] July

Blogging is very productive to develop the writing skill as well as professional life, Blogging can solve internet addiction 
This article is going to cover the topic regarding blogging and to prevent your family members from internet addiction. Internet addiction is going to kill so many artfulness and innovations, mostly students. 
So, read this complete article to understand the reason to understand reasons to start a blog. If you have no problem with internet addiction, then you can skip.
Why Nepali Students Should Start Blogging | Blogging can solve internet addiction
Why Nepali Students Should Start Blogging | Blogging can solve internet addiction
After reading this article, you are not required to stop using the internet and the services like Facebook, Viber, whats app, youtube, Viber, etc. but you will get the way to use them wisely. You can get your brand name, your identity and also even make money from them as well. 
Let’s start. 
Yesterday, I was returning back from college on a bus and I noticed that a girl was watching a serial on her smartphone.

Good Technology Is No Excuse For Bad Idea.

It means technology has controlled our thoughts and behavior.

Social media 

People have created the technologies for the convenience to the people but the use of such technologies all the time has cut down the creativity of the people. 

Youths are tentatively using more social media than other age range. We have no doubt that the student life is the most productive life of the human.

Grow your passion 

When we are a student, we have an interest in something, we hear something interesting from friends, teachers and we also plan so many things in student life. 

Also, read: 
Student life is not only about going to schools and colleges. This is the age where we can develop ourselves as we have so many potentials and we can explore them.

Explore yourself 

These days, only the knowledge from the course book is not appropriate because the world has become very competitive and so many innovations and the startups have been going on every day. 

Why Nepalese Students Should Start Blogging 

There is a saying that “if there is a will, there is a way”. The uncontrolled use of Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, whats app, Viber, etc. has made people spend time with them. Actually, such technologies are to use for very less time for a definite purpose and should not keep on hanging with them. 

Internet addiction is high 

Due to such technologies, people have forgotten that they do have a brain and they can think. 

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And there are so many people in your home as well who is addicted to internet addiction.

The Nepalese student should start blogging 

The center point over the round and round discussion of the above scenario is that the Nepalese student should start blogging. This is the age of technology and we can learn anything and do anything. 

From the NTA report, one in two Nepalese uses the internet. The internet has the potential to make us stand in the huge mass of internet users since the internet is a worldwide platform for everyone. And the youths, students should make a presence over the internet by building their knowledge, skill, creativity, etc.  So, Nepalese student should start blogging

Use the resources you have

If you really want to progress and do something, then blogging should be the must for the students. 

Ok, let’s stop these philosophies and let me talk about the exact thing about why Nepalese students should start blogging. Everybody knows that the internet is the independent platform for anyone. 
Once we have access to the internet, we have access to so many things. So, to start blogging, you need a google account. Google account is very helpful I recommend using google account because google is the master of the internet and you can have access to so many services without paying if you have a google account. 
Then you need to create a blog for that you can go to www.blogspot.com. While creating a blog, we need a domain like www.pathakbro.blogspot.com
Similarly, you also can choose the domain name – you can keep your name as the domain. There are so many blogging platforms but this article is specifically for the beginners. 
So, use www.blogger.com as a blogging platform. Then you can start writing an article. After writing an article you need to understand some basic things about writing the proper content. 
Here, I am talking in case of a student. 
So, the student should just start posting their essays and some other contents if you have. 
Also, share them with your friends and social media too. 
Start writing It is not necessary to have good knowledge of English or Nepali language. 
You can write your posts in any language but it should not be less than 200 words. 
This was your first step on the internet blogging to develop your creativity and knowledge. This is for the school level students which is up to Grade 10. 
Then once you completed your SEE, you can get Citizenship. Now you can have your own custom domain without paying any money.

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Domain registration 

For that, you can register the domain of your name like www.anilpathak.com.np. You can get this domain of your name form the company called Mercantile.

For that, you can visit the Office of Mercantile or even apply your free domain online from here. 
For registering a free domain, you need to provide them your citizenship. 
After that, 
the blog you have created i.e www.yourname.blogspot.com can be modified from your own domain that you have registered from the mercantile. 
Now, your domain will be www.yourname.com.np which is the standard top-level domain. 
Now, your blog becomes more standard. 
Also, read: 
Till this time you will have knowledge about writing posts and contents. 

Blogging Niche

Now if you want, you can be specific about the niche of your blog or even you can make your blog as per your plan and the creativity. When you be more specific and write on that category, then you will be more successful in ranking your site and getting the genuine targeted users.

Search Engine Optimization 

Then the next step is to be visible on the internet because there are millions of blog on the internet. For that, you need to understand the topics like SEO, Backlinks and the Domain authority. 
Since you have written so many posts, you have that potential to write good articles with some optimization. 
Now, this is the time for the optimization of your article. 

URL Submit – Google Webmaster / Bing Webmaster Tool

You need to submit your blog or website to the google webmaster and Bing Webmaster Tool.This will index your website in google search and can rank your blog. So, the basic thing about being visible on the internet is to promote yourselves but you should not promote your blog by paying money. 

Write Genuine Content 

You need to create genuine content without copying from anywhere. You can take some books, blogs, websites, etc. as a reference but do not copy. And another thing is including an image in your posts but do not use the images from google because using the images and contents from other resources will degrade the quality of the blog and you cannot monetize them. 

Use professional themes 

You can download awesome themes from the internet so that your blog looks professional. And after that, you can sign up with the Google Analytics that will show detailed information about the visitors to your blog. 
This gives information like which is the most visited page of your blog, what keyword people search to reach your blog, what is the age of people that visit your blog? and you will get much more detailed information. If you have hundreds of visits to your blog every day, then you can easily make money from Google AdSense. 
Also, read: 

Reasons to start a blog 

This is not a difficult task. You can easily understand these things. There are so many helpful video contents on YouTube in the Nepali language as well. So, you can refer to them as well. 
This is not necessary to learn these things on the institute by paying money. Anyone can understand these things. It may take some time but you can do a lot. 
So, this is a simple article on Why Nepalese Students Should Do Blogging
Share this article so that your friends and family members who might be internet addicted get some help to have some productive life. 
If you have some questions or suggestions, please comment below. 
I love to read your comments.
Internet Addiction by Anil Pathak, The British College
Internet Addiction by Anil Pathak, The British College
internet addiction, internet addiction in Nepal, blogging in Nepal, student blogger in Nepal, BSCIT, BscCSIT, study information technology in Nepal, information and communication technology in Nepal, Google Adsense in Nepal, get away from Facebook, reasons to start a blog, technology, and education, technology in the classroom, education blogs,what should i blog about

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