[Best] Top 29 Online News In Nepal | Nepali Online News Websites [2020]

Online News In Nepal | Nepali Online News Websites

You might be familiar with Nepali Online News Websites like Onlinekhabar.com, Setopati.com, Ratopati.com, Thahakhabar.com, etc. News has always become the concerned subject in the context of every country as people have to be aware of the different pieces of information like the economy, education, government policies, share markets, movies, weather and many more. The growing Nepali online news websites show that people seem to read news online as they can be available through a computer, smartphones, etc. The mainstream print news company are also implementing ICT and publishing their news on the internet. 
Top 29 Online News In Nepal
Top 29 Online News In Nepal 
In this article, I will be talking about the popular online news websites of Nepal which are ranked higher in Alexa. So, as per the Alexa Ranking, the Nepali online news websites will be listed in this article.

List of Top 29 Online News From Nepal 

1. Onlinekhabar.com
2. Kantipurdaily.com
3. Ratopati.com
4. Janaboli.com
5. Annapurnapost.com
6. Khabarhub.com
7. Ehulaki.com
8. Nagariknetwork.com
9. Deshkonews.com
10. Thahakhabar.com
11. Baahrakhari.com
12. Sancharkendra.com
13. News24Nepal.tv
14. Dcnepal.com
15. Nepallive.com
16. Lokantar.com
17. Hamrokhelkud.com
 18. Arthasarokar.com
19. Nayapage.com
20. Setopati.com
21. Hamrakura.com
22. NepalKhabar.com
23. Janatasamachar.com
24. KoshiOnline.com
25. Himalpost.com
26. KathmanduToday.com
27. Khelpati.com
28. Nepalipaisa.com
29. TheNepalTop.com
About 5000 websites link to the Onlinekhabar where visitors spent about 8 minutes on average. Onlinekhabar gets more than 5% traffic from search. It is at the 3rd position among all the websites on Nepal after Google and Youtube.
Kantipur is the national print and online magazine of Nepal which have got about 1500 links to their online website. They get more than 8% traffic from the Search and visitor spent more than 3 minutes on their site on average.
Ratopati.com has got more than 1100 links to its site and gets about 6% traffic from search. Visitor spent about 6 minutes on average on this site.
Janaboli.com receives about 8% traffic from the search and has got more than 100 links to its sites. Also, people spent more than 3 minutes on Janaboli.com on an average.
 Annapurna post has got more than 1200 links to its sites which receives more than 7% traffic from search. Generally, people spent more than 3 minutes on annapurnapost.com.
Khabarhub.com has about 300 links to its sites and people spent more than 11 minutes on its site on an average. They receive more than 6% of traffic from search.
Ehulaki.com has made its position on the top 10 websites on Nepal and has got more than 34 links to its sites. People spent more than 2 minutes on ehulaki.com whereas they receive more than 3% traffic from search.
Nagariknetwork.com has received about 1700 links to its site and receive 10% of its traffic from Search. People spent more than 4 minutes on their site.

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Deshkonews has got more than 80 links to its sites and receive about 3% of its traffic from search. People spend more than 2 minutes on its site on an average.
Thakhabar has about 300 links to its site and people spend more than 5 minutes on an average on thahakhabar.com.They receive more than 5% of its traffic from search.
Baahrakhari has more than 400 links to its site and receives more than 10% of its traffic from Search. Also, people spend more than 6 minutes on its site on an average.
Sancharkendra has received more than 76 links to its site and receives about 3% of its traffic from search. People spend more than 7 minutes on their site.
News24Nepal is a popular Nepali Television which has made top position among the Televisions of Nepal. It has marked its position at 18 in Alexa Rank which is the high rank on the internet among the Televisions of Nepal. It has about 300 links to its site and people spend more than 3 minutes on the site of News24Nepal. They receive about 8% of traffic from Search.

DCnepal.com receives more than 11% of traffic from search and has got about 600 links to its site. People spent more than 5 minutes on their site.
Nepallive.com has about 300 links to its site. They receive about 4% traffic from search and people spent about 5 minutes on their site on an average.
Lokantar.com has received about 300 links to its site and receive 9% of its traffic from searches. People spend more than 3minutes on their site on an average.
Hamrokhelkud.com is a sports news website that has made position Alexa as 25th website of Nepal. They have got more than 100 links to their site and receive more than 5% of its traffic from searches. People spend about 5 minutes on their site on an average.
Arthasarokar is a business news portal which has been ranked on the 28th position of  Alexa from Nepal. It has got more than 200 links to its site and receives more than 5% of its traffic from search. People spend more than 4 minutes on arthasarokar.com.

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People spend more than 10 minutes on nayapage.com on an average. They have received more than 200 links to its site and get more than 5% of its traffic from searches.
Setopati receives more than 7% of its traffic from searches and has got more than 300 links to its site. People spend about 5 minutes on the site of Setopati on an average.
Hamrakura.com has more than 200 links to its site and receives about 10% of its traffic from searches. People spend more than 4 minutes on hamrakura.com
Nepalkhabar.com receives about 9% of its traffic from search and has about 300 links to its site.  People spend more than 5 minutes on nepalkhabar.com
People spend more than 9 minutes on the site of Janatasamachar.com which has more than 100 links which link to the site of janatasamachar.comJanatasamachar.com receives about 4% of its traffic from searches.
KoshiOnline has about 100 links to its site and receives more than 7% of its traffic from search. People spend more than 2 minutes on KoshiOnline.com 
Himalpost.com has received more than 40 links to its site whereas people spend more than 8 minutes on an average on the site of Himalpost. They receive more than 4% of its traffic from searches.
KathmanduToday.com receives more than 11% of its traffic from searches having more than 200 links to its site. People spend more than 3 minutes on kathmandutoday.com on an average.
Khelpati.com is a sports news portal which has about 70 links to its site. Khelpati.com receives about 6% of its traffic from searches and people spend more than 5 minutes on khelpati.com
NepaliPaisa.com is a financial portal which provides useful information for Nepali Investors. They provide information regarding the Stock Market and also provide different services from the application as well. Nepalipaisa has received more than 275 links to its site whereas they receive more than 8% search traffic. People spend more than 5 minutes on the site NepaliPaisa.com
TheNepalTop.com has made its position among the 50 sites of Nepal in Alexa rank. It has received more than 57 links on its site. People spend more than 8 minutes on TheNepalTop.com on an average.
These were the Nepali online news websites from the Alexa ranking on top 50 websites. Among 50 sites, 29 news sites were on the list of top 50 websites on Alexa. It means people do read the news.
In coming days, I will be listing the other websites in the category like the blog, education, tech, fashion, and many others.
I do not think the news website you read is listed here. Do comment below your favorite Nepali online news website.
I love to read your comments.

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